CO2 Incubator Use and Maintenance

White Paper

CO2 Incubator Use and Maintenance

Incubated cell cultures potentially represent months, even years, of valuable research that is lost if cells die. Therefore, CO2 Incubator reliability and stability are of the highest importance. In addition to mechanical failure, contamination due to human error or the surrounding environment poses risks.

A lab manager can minimize risks in three ways:

  1. Properly training all incubator users.
  2. Implementing a preventive maintenance program.
  3. Choosing the most advantageous location in the lab for the CO2 incubator.
  4. Not only is the CO2 incubator important to the researchers, but it is also an investment for the institution or company. The lab manager’s role in proper use and maintenance ensures the organization gets the most from its investment via research productivity and long life of the incubator.

This guide will help lab managers understand risks and best practices as they develop training for CO2 incubator users and establish a preventive maintenance program and set up criteria.
