Sales Partner Community

Login to the NuAire sales partner community to access manuals, technical bulletins, and more. 


Service Training

NuAire schedules training courses which are designed to provide you with the knowledge, experience, and confidence needed to understand and effectively service laboratory incubators, Ultra Low Freezers, centrifuges, and laminar airflow products.
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Give us a call

Looking to get an answer right away? Give our service department a call to speak with one of our knowledgeable service technicians.

PH: 1-763-553-1270

Request Service

Please fill in the form to contact NuAire's service department.

Technical Assistance

Get one on one help from one of our technical service representatives. 

Request a part

Request a replacement part needed for your customer's NuAire product. 

Request Documentation

Request a brochure or technical bulletin specific to your customer's serial number. 

Community Access

Request access to our service partner community.