Biosafety Cabinet Selection in the Context of Risk Assessment White Paper

White Paper

Biosafety Cabinet Selection in the Context of Risk Assessment

Conducting a risk assessment is one of the first steps that is recommended before performing new experiments that may expose workers to hazardous conditions or materials. However, you may be wondering what is a risk assessment, and how do I conduct an appropriate one for my biological materials work? In this eBook, we will discuss what a risk assessment entails, what information you will need to perform one, how to mitigate risks, and how the selection of your biosafety cabinet fits into your overall risk assessment and risk control measures.

Julianne L. Baron, Ph.D., CPH, RBP

About the Author

Julianne L. Baron, Ph.D., CPH, RBP

Julianne L. Baron, PhD, CPH, RBP is the President of Science and Safety Consulting. She has a background in infectious diseases, biosafety, and public health and consults on laboratory safety and design, pandemic preparedness, and scientific communication.